How to earn money online in Pakistan without investment 2022


How to earn money online in Pakistan without investment? How can I make money online fast? And what are the Best websites to earn money?

If you have these queries on your mind about how to earn money online in Pakistan without investment in 2022, then you are in the right place today.

I am going to share your ten most trusted and authentic sources from that you can earn money online without investment step by step.

What is online earning?

Many people search on google and other search engines what is online earnings. the simple definition of online earning is that it is a type of business in which you sit at your home

having a laptop or mobile phone and with that having an internet connection and based on it you are giving your services on the internet to add value on other people’s lives and in return to that you get some revenue is called online earning

furthermore, we have got to hear that that person in our village earns this much by working online, and listening to that story creates a craving in our mind, and we think that it is too much easy to earn money online.

Still, the reality is that it is much much tricky. Many people say that you can make money fast without investment. Still, it is just a rumor that gives users false information so they can earn money from their attention.

Based on my experience, it requires investment, not money but your time, energy, and dedication.

Who can earn money online?

Before going into the market, you must be honest and ask yourself, am I strong enough to work online? Is working online suits me? Am I a hardworking person? Etc.

It seems too sour, but to be honest, it is the reality that millions of people start their online journey having a fixed mindset to earn money, and the next month, they quit.

In addition, to work online, you need to scarify many things like time, money, energy, and dedication. With that, you should have a strong passion and consistency to work long-term to get a relevant result.

Moreover, one thing that triggers my mind is that people in Pakistan spend 16 years and millions of money to earn a degree and hardly get a 50K job. Still, they do not have the passion for working only for five years online with consistency, and if they honestly work for five years with consistency,

then I can bet that they can live their dream life.

Top 10 ways to earn money online in Pakistan without investment 2022

Well, there are thousands of ways you can make money online, but from thousands, I have sought out the ten most authentic and best ways to make money online.

  • YouTube
  • Freelancing
  • Blogging
  • Affiliate marketing
  • E-commerce
  • Digital Marketing
  • Graphic Designing
  • Social media manager
  • Article writing.
  • Sell online courses.

Description of 10 ways to earn money online in Pakistan without investments


YouTube is the world’s top video-sharing platform and the second largest search engine, with above 2.6 billion monthly active users.

It is the most trusted platform to earn money online without investment. The creator shares the video to connect with the users, and ultimately the creator gets revenue; there are many ways to make money from YouTube, which are described below.

Firstly, you can start your channel based on your interest and upload different videos. When you get 1 thousand subscribers and 4000 hours of watching time on your YouTube videos, you can apply for google AdSense. After that, the ads will run on your videos, and based on those ads, you can earn a handsome amount of income

from ads revenue you get 75%, and YouTube cuts 25%. moreover, it is not limited when you will upload quality content for a long time then people will come to you and subscribe to you. Ultimately you can get an ideal audience, and that audience will help you to live your dream life like you can get fame.

This will let brands give you massive money for sponsorship, and ultimately, there will be thousands of ways you can make money like PewDiePie, Mr. Beast, carryminati, etc.

Secondly, you can earn huge money from YouTube through affiliate marketing; you can make videos reviewing different products and encouraging your audience to buy them from top eCommerce giants like Amazon, eBay, and Alibaba,

when someone buys a product from your link that you can get a handsome commission usually from 2% to 20% of the product price.

Furthermore, you can earn money by reviewing the products on YouTube. You can shift your users to your website and make huge money from the website.

Moreover, by checking if you will collect a vast audience, many big tech companies will invite you to their product launching ceremony, and they can pay you huge money to promote their product on their channel.

Thirdly, suppose you are shy to make videos or have a tight budget for buying the accessories. In that case, you can download the product videos from Amazon, make a short video, and upload it to YouTube, giving the product link in the description.

You can earn money when someone buys from your link. many channels are doing this, like gadgets zone new gadgets, etc.


The most used method to earn money online in Pakistan without investment is freelancing. In freelancing, a user offers its services, and based on its benefits; they earn money;

there are many freelancing platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, PeoplePerHour, and; in these platforms, the user makes an account and makes gigs related to search keyword, and when a customer comes and search for a service the forum shows the gigs of different users.

Ultimately, the customer opens any gigs and places an order, and when you complete the order, the customer pays your desired amount like you can earn lots of money. To start freelancing, you need to have a skill like article writing, data entry, photo editing, video editing, etc.

Learning these skills takes only two months from YouTube free of cost, and you can offer your services on any of the freelance platforms. Then you get a client and finally money.

There are thousands of people in Pakistan having only a matriculation degree who earn more money than doctors or engineers by sitting in their homes and offering their services.

Secondly, if you have learned any skill and you have not gotten an order in the freelance platform, then you should create networking and reach specific people and offer you skills;

there are thousands of jobs daily posted on LinkedIn you can filter out your desired job from the results and contact with them

furthermore, write a professional email to different famous known people offering your service at least for 20 then probably you  can get 2 to 3 jobs quickly, and with these jobs, you can start

after that, when you would have a regular income then, you can extend this skill up to your limit and earn huge money from making your company and hiring people.


The third and most loving field to earn money online in Pakistan without investment is blogging, an all-time favorite of mine.

In blogging, you can make a website on a niche and write content based on the search query on the internet. After that, when your website has 30+ articles, you can apply for Google AdSense or another ad platform.

Then when your site gets approved, the ads will run on your site, and whenever users come to your site and click on any of the ads, you earn revenue from advertisers.

Furthermore, you can make money from blogging if you know the secret to bringing traffic to your site. Many say that you need investment to buy hosting and domain to set up your site, but you can start with a free domain and hosting from different companies like Blogger, WordPress, Wix, etc.

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is the phenomenon in which you promote any other company’s products. Whenever your user buys from your link, you get a 2% to 20% commission.

We know that to do affiliate marketing, we need a professional site, and to make a professional site, we need investment, so how can we do affiliate marketing without investment, right?

So following are the steps you can do to bring conversions.

Firstly, join the affiliate program of amazon and any other platform and find out a products extract link of the product and then share the link in various groups across Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc., and indirectly insist the users buy.

Secondly, filter out the questions from different Q&A sites related to your product and effectively answer the question at the end; give your affiliate link so that users can buy products from your link.

Thirdly, you can create a YouTube channel and make videos related to interest-based products like tech, beauty, gadgets, etc.

Get the product video from amazon, do a voice-over behind the video telling the user’s specification, and upload the video whenever a user watches your video. If he likes the video, he can purchase it from your link.


Another booming industry in the Pakistan marketplace is E-commerce. In eCommerce, a website enables users to purchase products online without visiting the market many examples of e-commerce companies are daraz, telemark,, etc.

don’t worry; I don’t recommend you to invest a single penny in building your website or team, but I will tell you some practical steps from which you can set up your e-commerce store without investing.

To do this, you need to create an Instagram or Facebook page, list your region’s products and sell products with a reasonable margin.

Ultimately, when the time comes, people will get to know your page and buy a product from you. When someone purchases a product, you can get the buyer’s payment.

After getting the amount, you can pack the product and deliver the product to the buyer’s address through logistics services like TCS or leopard courier service; you can get a handsome amount of money.

Digital marketing

People will laugh at me if I say that digital marketers are the next millionaires. Honestly, based on my experience and research, you can earn a handsome amount of money from your laptop without doing anything if you know digital marketing.

In digital marketing, a marketer usually runs ad campaigns on different social media platforms to attract users and create conversions to their products.

You can learn digital marketing from youtube free of cost, and it usually takes three months. After that, you can sell your services on freelance platforms, or you can hunt projects from companies, and from that projects, you can earn a good amount of money by creating an effective campaign.

Graphic designing

Graphic designing is a process in which designers make different graphics-related stuff for companies like business cards, billboards, logos, banners, etc.

usually, to learn this skill, you need two months; you can quickly learn the skill on youtube, and after learning, you can sell your services on a freelance marketplace, or you can reach out to your local business and ask for the projects

I’m sure they will pay you for your desired demand. Moreover, you can also hunt projects from LinkedIn and other job offering sites.

Social media manager

The hottest job In the current Pakistani market is social media manager. It is the type of job in which you get paid to manage the extensive pages of celebrities and brands.

You have to reach out and email the stars of your area or outside of the place to be the assistant on their page. If they approve, you can be paid to manage the page and audience with an assistant of the celebrity.

Article writing

It is a job where you write an article for website owners for a contest or assignment. The customer gives you a keyword to write content,

so you have to write content based on the given query, and in the end, you get paid. You can get clients from the freelance marketplace and LinkedIn, where daily jobs are updated.

You have to apply for the desired position and make a connection like this to earn a good amount of money.

Sell online courses

This is also an anonymous way of earning huge money; many people in Pakistan earn millions just by selling the courses.

To make a course, you should have any skill, and based on it, you have to make a video teaching people skills, and once you have made it, you can sell that course on Udemy, Coursera, or skillshare.

Furthermore, you can promote your course in the market, and from this, you can bring conversions to your course, and ultimately it becomes a passive income for you.


Q1 How can I make money online with 2022?

Ans: It is not an overnight process to earn money online. You need to learn a skill, work on any of the platforms mentioned above, and work consistently for a year; then, you can create a long-term income stream.

Q2 How can I earn money from home without investment in Pakistan?

Ans: look, earning online need investment, not money but your time, energy, and dedication, and if you are ready to give your time but not money, then you can consult the ways mentioned above.

Q3: Which website is best for online earning in Pakistan?

Ans: There are many best and most authentic websites from which you can earn a good amount of money; you can go through it from the article mentioned above


At last, I hope you have thoroughly read the article and got an idea about how to earn money online in Pakistan without investment.

I have tried my best to show how you can make money online; now, it depends upon you to find a domain based on your interest and work for the long term with focus;

then, I can guarantee you that you can earn more money than your thought. If this article is helpful, please visit our site Prowala for regular updates.

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